Get To Know Me
I am Geri Massott and I have been doing Energy Work my whole life. I started to add initials after my name when I became an Esthetician. Then a Massage Therapist. I worked up to Reiki Master Teacher, learned Angelic Reiki, did Quantum Touch and Animal Communication. Honing my skills as a Psychic Medium I then became a Hypnotherapist. Learning about past lives and becoming skilled with more modalities and teaching over the years. With Access Consciousness and The Bars® I really went into a deeper study on how we can change our lives by dispelling old/new beliefs that limit the way we view our living. Then came the study into the quantum field of reality and how vibrations and tones can raise our consciousness. In 2018 the world of plant medicine opened me up to even more dimensional worlds and I worked with all types of Shamans. It all circles back to bodies, breath and beliefs. While working with plant medicine I found myself doing healing sessions that included other Beings. That lifetime after lifetime we created distortions in our energy field and that these field could be corrected so that people can start creating from a new space free of old woundings. I opened up to Light Language and Toning which I use everyday. I can see and feel the changes in my world and hopefully, in that, help others open up to change their worlds. We are all co-creators. One day while In meditation I was told that I was like a phone charger. With traditional healing work like Reiki we are taught to channel the Prana or Life Force Energy and allow that energy to flow through us to another to create a healing. The way energy works through me is that my co-creator needs to plug into my field and that charges their field. It’s a different kind of perception. I’m not giving and you’re not taking. We’re just connecting energy. We are all one. We all experience the same things. I am you and you are me, only different.